Q:How can I find a diabetes educator or diabetes education program?

A: As the saying goes, knowledge is power! The best way for you to learn about diabetes and take care of yourself now and for the long run is to get to know a diabetes educator or a group of educators at a diabetes education program. You'll find diabetes education programs at many large and small hospitals. Today there are also independent diabetes educators and education programs. Today there are even online counseling/coaching services (check these out in my links). Get your questions answered about a diabetes meal planning, controlling blood sugars, physical activity, and other lifestyle components.

The best way to find a program is to go to www.diabetes.org/education/eduprogram.asp. This takes you to the list of education programs that have been recognized by the American Diabetes Association. Find the programs in your state and then zero in on your area.

In addition, visit www.diabeteseducator.org (the American Association of Diabetes Educators) and then to Find a Diabetes Educator. You'll be able to search for diabetes educators by your city and zip code.

Or call your local hospital, ask your health care provider or ask other people with diabetes you know to recommend a nearby diabetes education program. Don't think about diabetes education as a one time visit, think of it as your gateway to continuous knowledge and support. You'll need these both as you strive to manage your diabetes.


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