Q:Is it healthy for people with diabetes to go on a low carb, high protein diet?

A: Too many people are still gullible enough to believe that there's a diet out there that can help people take weight off and keep it off. Unfortunately, no such luck. Losing weight and keeping it off can be accomplished in a variety of ways, however it usually entails eating fewer calories and burning more calories.

Though low carb, higher protein diets have been touted time and time again, the research (and there's more than ever before) shows that after about six months (and that is if you can even stay on the diet this long), most people don't lose any more weight using low carb than other approaches.

The diagnosis of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes often requires you to trim some weight. Taking weight off and then, the even harder part, keeping it off, requires you to find an eating plan that you can follow long term (that's the rest of your life) and that promotes healthy eating.

The most important message is to make slow and steady changes in your current eating habits and lifestyle to transition you to a healthier lifestyle overtime. This is the way to achieve lasting weight loss and long term health. Learn more about how people lose weight and keep it off at the National Weight Control Registry.

Reality is there is no magic diet or formula! The sooner you come to grips with this fact the better!


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